Sunday, July 1, 2012

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

First they lost their faith, then they lost their way. Britain is a petri dish of agnosticism, socialism, statism, political correctness completely run amok, infused with a healthy dose of Islamic immigration and cultivation. When you think about it, unless you claim homosexuality or Islamic faith, you are probably going to find yourself in a category forced into an homogenized, one size fits all mold of neutral goo.

As a result of these stellar policies families have long since fallen apart, the economy is in quick sand, having abandoned the pull yourself up by your own boot straps code of ethics, as far too...uncaring, and left Biblical principles many decades ago, there is no longer a compass available to these people to find their way. Make room for white teen age girls in rebellion, on the street, picked up by 'Daddy' (really, could there be a more disgusting name for a pedophile pimp? That should be a crime even in its own category for besmirching the name of good Dads everywhere).

Why do I say their experiment in godless socialism and political correctness has failed? Try this: "They face hard times now. The closed shops are signs of a double-dip recession that has hit northern England harder than the more affluent south, which includes London, with its financial district and well-to-do suburbs. The mills have long since closed; the local newspaper trumpets gloom and doom: A tripling in the number of homeless, a sharp rise in youth unemployment, more people seeking housing benefits. Even the local McDonald's, long a fixture in the town center, has moved out."

This shows the ruins of the economy, but that's not all the story. The suspects point their soiled fingers at the English community, and the victims themselves. Typical I know of sexual offenders, but listen: "Inside the court, Ahmed, a key defendant, fought back hard. He accused the all-white jury of racism. He accused one girl of thinking whites were superior, and denigrated them all as greedy money seekers. And he accused white society of neglecting its girls and tolerating, even encouraging, bad behavior. "You white people train them in sex and drinking, so when they come to us they are fully trained," he said."

The prosecutor, however, explains how it has come to be that these girls have been prepped for life on the streets, in a socialist environment the children are culled away from the family at an early age, the whole family depending in large part on the government, (thus the name Nanny State) and that government support system is, of course, completely inadequate, corrupt and failing. Says the prosecutor "That view overlooks all the problems that left the girls vulnerable in the first place, he says, citing a deficient school system and a government-backed child care regime riddled with neglect and abuse. And he says the prolonged economic downturn has intensified resentments, with whites and Asians competing for the same "Crap jobs".

Saddest are these remarks from Girl A at the conclusion: "After a while it had been going for so long and so many different men that it became like I didn't feel anything towards it anymore," she said. "It just weren't me anymore. It just became something I had to do....Once you're in it, you're trapped. I just think what they did to me was evil." -- Me, too, Honey, me, too.

With our once fair cousin, Britain in such shape, from policies Progressives are extremely determined to foist on us, can we Here in America say we are more determined than them? To find faith, find a Godly work ethic, rebuild our own lives, our families, our towns, cities, counties, states and our Nation. This Independence Day, may we seek God, for the strength and grace to do each do our part to truly make this the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!