Thursday, June 28, 2012

Battle, Not the War

SCOTUS decision was a kick in the gut today, no doubt. I'm sucking air just like you. But, it was a battle, it's not the war. As I am digesting the ruling, the States ended up ahead, Federalism strengthened, (which is always better for the individuals, when power is moved away from DC), in that they cannot be penalized, thereby forced to participate in the enlarging of the Medicaid boondoggle, as desired by DC. Congress' powers are limited under Commerce Clause in a way that it has not been heretofore. This is most excellent. And by moving the authority from Commerce Clause to Congress ability to tax, which is sadly unlimited. Upside is it puts the power back in the hands of We the People, to elect Senators, Congress and a President Romney to repeal and replace. Congress has the power to tax, the President's legal team instructed the court to call Obamacare a tax, if it couldn't stand under the Commerce Clause, and they did. As a tax, Congress has the ability and responsibility to enforce or repeal. We want this repealed, so we have to elect ourselves a Congress, who clearly understand and are committed to our priorities. We need to know what matters to us. We need to communicate our expectations, and we need to donate, call, email, go to meetings, walk neighborhoods, write to inform and educate people (necessary - because media, pundits, politicians give incomplete, or even untrue info) - do whatever it takes to clearly put forth what is necessary to repeal health care and get rid of this abominiable legislation. Some things we need to become familiar with and help others be familiar with are the SOULTIONS for replacing ObamaCare. Some of my favorite - We need to own our own medical care. To do that, we need the government to butt out. It's not their business how we choose to get our health care, they just muddy the waters. We need to be able to buy insurance across state lines. Really, who IS the Fed government to prevent that? Seriously? They have no business talking about the expense of health care, when THEY are standing in the way of having health insurance competition. I buy my car insurance from a company in Texas. I do not live in Texas. But, we are prevented from buying health insurance in the same way. This HAS to change. IMMEDIATELY. We need to stop frivolous law suits. Period. We need to own our own health insurance, get the employer out of the loop, and to do this we have to simplify the Federal Tax system. This will make the removal of the employer as the middleman for our health insurance a boon and not a curse, because of the current tax mess.These changes would revitalize our economy and make affordable health care within reach of so many, it boggles the mind. As we do these things, we must remember above all...the sanctity of life.

The Sanctity of Life and Obamacare

As we waited for the Supreme Court ruling today on Obamacare, I had this thought. That a strong motivation for many of us opposing Obamacare is the sanctity of life. I say that because we understand that result of these policies is the resulting rationing of health care, as the decisions are passed on to a board of unelected bureaucrats. Necessary decisions on what types of cancer drugs, what ages can have pace maker replacements, hip replacements, cataract surgery, or that expensive diabetic or cholesterol fighting drug. Can we not foresee in a decade or so, (especially after the birth control, abortificants mandate), pregnancy screening for the purpose of determining viability? I can see that and so much more. And because we were all willing to move heaven and earth to stop this law, or turn it back...the thought occurred to me...'Do you REALLY think that you get to protect your own livelihoods and healthcare, when you are willing to let little babies die every day? When changing that is as important as changing this health care law, then then you can make some progress on changing things!'I'm motivated, I'm committed. How about you? Thoughts?